Queue Management for Thousands of Visitors At The White House

Last updated Friday, March 8th, 2024

Tamis and the White House have a relationship that goes back many years, coming up with solutions to protect both their displays and the guests visiting them. As of March, a new conversation started with Tamis account manager, Nate Zawoyski, to see how their existing equipment was working for them. The conversation flourished and new ideas began to emerge. Nate offered to complete a site assessment to see firsthand how the products were being implemented and how they were wearing against the thousands of visitors coming through the door.

The Previous Post and Rope Solution

The previous post and rope had been serving an important queue management solution for the White House for over ten years, however both Tamis and the White House agreed pretty quickly that an updated look would be a well-deserved addition to their displays. With the Christmas season approaching, the topic of discussion turned to the elaborate holiday showcases and how to best allow people to enjoy them while both preserving the exhibits and maintaining the theme for the year.

President William H. Taft was the first president to have a tree in the public portion of the White House; at that time his children helped him decorate that first tree in the Blue Room. Today, the Blue Room still hosts the official tree, open for guests to tour the holiday decorations. This spectacle has grown to be a production requiring over 400 employees. With increasing popularity, the White House now welcomes more than 25,000 guests every holiday season.

White House Christmas TreeThe “Spirit of America” Theme

2019’s theme was called “Spirit of America,” a tribute to the traditions, customs and history that make our Nation great. “In order to protect these displays while simultaneously enhancing the experience, the White House requested a specific gold color to fit seamlessly with the theme. We knew we would have to provide a customized gold,” Nate recalls. With Tamis having experience for over 40 years in a variety of different industries and locations, we were able to deliver exactly what they needed.

Our New Crowd Management Solution

Our Account Manager reached out to Lavi Industries, as we have worked together in creating customized colors and designs previously. The end result was a protective barrier that provided an elegant and on-theme solution to their Christmas display needs. Once deployed, the showcase was so well reviewed that the project has plans to be extended into the New Year carrying this result throughout the White House as the new standard for their crowd control post and rope. Nate was invited to tour the White House for a private viewing of the holiday décor.

Post And Rope At White House

We are looking forward to our continued work with the White House and making the home of our Nation’s Capital grand and impressive. It’s always been a place to be proud of, but with our help the finishing touches will be polished and functional, as they maintain the displays and keep guests safe.

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